Friday, January 2, 2009

I was waiting?

So I got a letter from good old Elder hatch yesterday..... and in it may I quote,
"So who is dating who and not dating (A direct reference to A and S), and who is waiting for a missionary who gets home in a year and a half."
Wait....did he just.....but I didn't.....I'm not waiting for anyone. But my prince charming. And I'm not even fully sure he is on a mission at the moment.
So he thinks I'm waiting. WHY?
please tell me if you misconstrue this sentence.
"No Kristian, I don't really feel that way about you."
where in that sentence do I say "I'll wait for you for the two years, so we can be married after you get home."
NO WHERE! that's where.
I love Kris to death, love him to death like my 6 foot something 250 pound big brother! Love him like I love will farell, love him like I love my dearest girl friend. but not love him like the man of my dreams. oh no what have I gotten into.
It wouldn't have been half as bad if that phrase wasn't followed up with this one,
"I just need to focus on my mission for 18 more months and then I'll be moving to [the big city]." AND
"I love you".
HOLD YOUR HORSES BUDDY. I am no ones excuse to not be 100% committed to their mission. And I am not the kinda girl who waits around for a man! (please disregard the 2 years I waited for Cody, that was momentary mental collapse that will NEVER be repeated again.)

So I guess it's time to introduce Prince charming:

Prince Charming starts out like this..........

And does a little of this.............

And we do a little of this.......

And suddenly he is this.........

So calling Prince Charming I need you in the next 18 months! Lucky BYU is notorious for them.

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