Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A new year is around the corner

Ok all as you may or may not know, every year I do a New Years questionnaire. The past two years it has been the same one, but this year while filling the same old one out, I decided NO I need a new one! So I did a little net search and came up with this one. It is a little less deep and more fun! Which is what I am trying to be. Can you remember 2000? Y2K? I remember, on new years eve 1999 my Mom left us with our baby sitter. We stayed up and waited for the count down. She turned the radio on and we counted down to 2000. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1! Happy New Year! Celebrate came on and we danced around the kitchen together. I can't believe it's been ten years.
So good by 2009, you have been a horrible and amazing year.

1. Will you be looking for a new job? Not that I know of, I for once am more than happy doing what I am doing (most days). Plus the 50% discount on clothes sure doesn't hurt! But if something better come around, so be it.

2. Will you be looking for a new relationship? Well yes. Since the relationship/not relationship that I have been in hasn't really been doing it for me. commitment, confusion blah blah blah. So if you are interested please apply in the comment box. it would help if you had a flare for writing and appreciated good music. Also a sense of adventure is needed......oh and you need to be good with crazy people. because my whole family is made up of them!

3. New house? Yes and No. I am planning a move with Bri this summer to BC. So yes maybe. But deep down inside I hope not. this year I have moved 7 times. I am ready to not move again for a long LONG time.

4. What will you do different in 2010? I am going to be stronger. Not like "Dude I can bench press a 160" (I dont think that is attractive when you are a girl) I want to be able to stand up for who I am. Be stronger. This is me......and I am not changing.

5. New Years resolution? Normaly I do not set these, as it sets you up for failure. Sadness follows, and the next thing you know you are 40 pounds heavier and had to spend twice as much on Christmas presents just so you could up hold the "kinder person" resolution.

6. What will you not be doing in 2010? I will not be sky diving.....just saying. I also will not be taking the train anywhere farther than 6 hours away. I will not be attending another Twilight movie, ever not just this year.

7. Any trips planned? Nothing to amazing. I plan to win the Troy Reeb internship, so that will be two weeks in Toronto. Also I will going home again at least once if not twice. Maybe if I win the lottery I can make it over seas. Doubtful but I remain hopeful!

8. Wedding plans? Not that I know of for me. But who knows I mean if I get a few applications a year to make wedding plans could be enough! lol. I do however have friends who have weddings that I will be part of. Of course there is Lauraj.....who's wedding I am no longer part of, but in spirit I am. Stephy plans a wedding for August, after my baby comes! Then there's LeahN who will be wed in February. The rate these have been popping up,I am sure there will be a few more this year!

9. What's on your calendar?
Finishing my first year of Print Journalism. See the little bro graduate high school. get my self a car! get my self an iphone. Um I will pencil in Mr. Right for any time this year......... : ). Lets see there is the home coming of Elder Hatch. The Birth of the Fox/Walker baby. Wedding another wedding. Trip to see my Grandma, maybe. Oh see "Alice in Wonderland". Be legal everywhere in the world. um I think that's good for now.

10. What can't you wait for? I am not sure to tell you the truth. There's a lot to look forward to. But I am sure what I know about won't even touch the things I don't know about. The best things that happened this year were unexpected and could never have been so good if they were planned.

11. What would you like to see happen different? My relationship patterns. I would like for things to end up better than they have. I would also like to meet a few guys who even fit into the category of "good enough for me". Since that has been a common phrase said to me this past year.

12. What about yourself will you be changing? I want to be more honest this year. Slowly I have been able to be more honest through this blog. It started with the tattoo post. Letting you know that I have made out with a boy. Letting you know I have not been into church for a while now. And slowly I want to be the kind of person who doesn't hide behind other things. Who is honest and stands up for who she is and the decisions I make.

13. What happened in '09 that you didn't think would ever happen? I could think of a few things ....* cough T cough cough*. I'm pretty sure I will never experience another auqu-size class with my beloved JMaCrae. I would like to say that I don't think I will ever be as heart broken as I was this past year, but we all know thats not how it is! I will never deal with it the same again though.

14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about? I am not entirely sure how I can be any nicer to the people I care about. I mean one girl can only give so much! But the people I care about know that I would do anything for them. I am that nice!

15. Will you dress differently this year than you did in 2009? Not by choice. If I had my way I would still be wearing a pair of old jeans and my nightmare before Christmas hoodie from grade 11. But yes every year I grow up a bit more, and dress a little bit better I would have to say!

16. Will you start or quit drinking? No. I gave up drinking along time ago. I will however go to bars, but just because you are in a bar does not mean you drink. In fact did you know when you are the DD for all you drunk friends you get free WATER! I know your jealous right?

17. Will you better your relationship with your family? I am constantly bettering my relationships with Family members. This past year Family became very important to me. Both sides of my family.

18. Will you do charity work? Um free baby sitting? Just kidding it is not free........especially if there is diapers!

19. Will you go to bars? YES!!! yes yes I will. sorry if that doesn't impress you. Good thing I am a smart girl.

20. Will you be nice to people you don't know? Probably not......I wont lie.

21. Do you expect 2010 to be a good year for you? Yes I do. I'm not realy sure why. But there are endless possibilities for this year!

22. How much did you change from this time last year till now? In some ways not at all, in some ways I have made a 360. But every change is for the better (even if other people don't think so).

23. Do you plan on having a child? This next year??? NO! can I plan to have a steady, mature, amazing boy friend first. Can we plan to graduate college and get writing first? oh right this is my life of course I can!

24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now? Most of them. I'm not sure about that KC guy he is a bit of a loony (lol Luv ya!). I plan to have more friends than just  the ones I have right now though!

25. Major lifestyle changes? Yes. Keep reading to find them out.

26. What will you make sure doesn't happen in 2010 that happened in 09? Foot infections! those are bad....don't let those happen.

27. What are your New Years Eve plans? This year I am going to a friends bar. He is having the grand opening. I will spend it with my good friends. And will not be the only sober one, as i am bringing Stephy with me!

28. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight? See like 5 days ago I would have said YES! and been so content in finally actually having someone to kiss at midnight..........but since I am such a go getter I could wait until AFTER New Years to straighten up my love life.

29. Wish for 2010? 
If I told you they might not come true. this isn't for emphasis my blog is stuck in BOLD text! lol but here's a hint........a few have to do with love. Of course!

Merry belated Christmas

Ok so Christmas was good. And since I don't really want to write a billion things about I will post so pics I took! Enjoy!

This is where I caught the train. Cut Bank Montana. I know from this picture you can't really tell but this is by far the sketchiest place I have EVER been. Lucky me got to wait 8 hours for the train in a building that looked like a serial killer was at work in it!

Inside......I made it look cool. I got skills!

The most important ornament on our tree. My first Christmas bear. Every year I place it at the very top of the tree. If it were any higher it would replace the angel. Yeah, I'm a bit of a diva. Get over it!

Little Bro doing his Grinch eyebrows.......he is the coolest thing since Cool Whip (emphasis on the WHip)

Christmas Dog. Lucky Oreo was the model for this trip home.....I got a bit Dog picture happy (Deb would be proud!)

Even in Washington State you gotta represent!

Most peoples Parents are the ones nagging you to get off of the phone! We are trying to have family time. Instead our parents spent the first half and hour of Christmas morning on the phone! while we complained about not getting to spend "Family time" together.
The all mighty little bro!

This is the face the little bro gave me after losing at family Christmas Eve Uno.

Step Sis and her puppy.

This was Edward Cullen's appearance at our Christmas..... I guess no holiday is complete with out a horny vampire. And no Little Bro was not the recipient of that tank top!

Guess what I got for Christmas!!! I read it faster than I ate my Mothers home made apple pie....ok that's a lie! But it was excellent! Peter's novella that is!

The Family. I liked this on the best.....Tim thought it was oh so clever to say something like sex on this shot. as you can see he thinks he is rather clever! i also tried to convince them it was important to look good for this. But as you can tell from my lack of make up and Step sis's PJ's it didn't work. oh well I present to you the Campbell/Coppin Family.

This is my cat. Slim. Slim Shady......yeah I got her when I was 15 and had a large crush on Eminem! please note, she is actually THAT fat. If not fatter. I like to say she eats her feelings. Obesity also plagues cats.

These last shots are form around town. It seems the states have a plethora of amazing old/vintagey buildings and architecture.  which make for amazing pictures.

Magnetic pull

They sat on opposite sides of the couch, the TV flashed images across it.
Neither of them were paying much attention to it.
But from the way they desperately gazed at it you would have thought they were glued to it.
She glance down conspicuously at him.
It had never been so hard to sit next to him.
It was like there was a force pulling them together.
They both fought to stay on opposite ends of the couch.
Careful never to touch, afraid of what might happen if they did.
He glanced over conspicuously at her.
She had always been beautiful.
But never had she been this beautiful.
Keeping his eyes off of her was like torture.
"This is really hard" he was the first to speak what they were both thinking.
"It is"
"It has never been so hard to not touch you ever" he sighed.
"your the one who made this stupid rule"
"I am?" he thought back, nothing came to mind, why would he make such a stupid rule.
"Yes, you said you didn't want to hurt me. You made up these stupid rules"
"I don't want to hurt you" He looked into her eyes.
"You aren't. I liked how things were. I think this might hurt more"
He put his arm around her.
She smiled that irresistible smile.
He realized he may have been the biggest idiot on the earth to try and keep her away.
He pulled her close, wrapping both arms around her tightly.
She sighed that drive you wild sigh.
He lost it.
They sat intertwined on the couch, the TV flashed images across it.
Neither of them payed much attention to it.
From the way they looked at each other you would have thought they were in love.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Take off to the great white north!

Well my holiday in the south is done.
It was nice to be home with my family, but the cabin fever has begun to get to me. So I am overly glad to be going home and keeping busy.

Not being busy on the boy front, has been easier said then done.
Being friends makes things SO much harder. It's that good person thing again.
The boy isn't making it easy to "move on". But I have been doing pretty good so far. I plan to continue my smart girl choice. No I dont need ANYONE to give him a phone call...........

I got Peter DeWolf''s novella for Christmas. Finished it like I was seeing Jude law for the first time. So good! not enough though, I need like, I don't know, a life's supply of DeWolf novels, just saying.
I definitely suggest you get it, and read. Then read it to your friends. Or you know buy it for them.

Lauraj's wedding is in just a week. I am not going anymore (she bumped the date up, and well it seems to fall right smack dab in the first week of school) (which happens to be the Troy Reeb application week). It is so insane that she is getting married. MARRIED! Yesturday I got a message from Lauraj's little sister. She wants a video for Lauraj's bachelor-ette party. First I was set into a rage that my best friend would move her wedding to a week that would be impossible for me to make it. Second I was bitter that she had changed so quickly from laurarj the girl with 5 homeless kids living on her floor. To lauraj wife of a Olympic placer, University grad, world record holder. Ok I will stop. I am happy she is happy. Even if she only dated him for three weeks before the engagement.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Chistmas......a time to grow up

So as some of you know, I have been playing girlfriend with the boy. Tonight I made a break through. Not an easy break through but a break through.
I was chatting with the boy.
The conversation got to us. Which it usually does. Since I have much stronger feelings for him, than he does for me, it usually gets there.
He is not ready for me to be his girlfriend.
In Cathy talk that means
"Your not enough"
He assures me I am. I don't know how I could be. If what he said was true, if I was indeed the best he could ever wish for, then why not let me say I'm your GF?
This fact has been rolling around in my head for weeks. But I enjoyed playing girlfriend.
Tonight some thing hit me. Why would you want to be with someone who isn't sure about you?
no really
I am patient and understanding.
Fun, cute, humorous, talented, driven, passionate, loyal, trustworthy.
I am forgiving, and most of all AWESOME!
And here I am missing a boy who cant even tell me why he "likes" me.
There is someone out there who does think I am enough. In fact he thinks I'm more than he could ask for. So why in the world am I wasting my time with a guy who doesn't.
I'm not.
I am Done.
I know it will be hard. I am still attracted to this boy. I know it will take a while, but I am done.
I've never been in this place before.
Having someone like me, but not want me to them selves.
I mean I have had guys not like me.
And I have had guys head over heals for me.
but never a fence sitter.
To be honest I would take the rejection any day.
You have no idea how hard it is to get over a guy who says "I like you" but then says "but I am not ready for a relationship". it's like throwing a starving girl chocolate and biting into it only to realize it is dirt.
That was a horrible analogy. But at two in the morning it made for a good mental picture.
So Merry Christmas Bloggers.
And Merry Christmas to that guy, who I know is out there, who would be more than happy to hold me in his arms for the rest of his life.
A new year comes and I grow up a bit more.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"You need to take them to Applebee's and get them some hot wings"

So I am at home.
A few good things come from going home from the holiday's. First I get to see my Family, they drive me crazy but I love them. Second all the home cooked food. I mean who doesn't love their Mom's cooking??? ok I know there is a few.......and really some people are just not blessed with Mom's who can create magic in a dish. Thirdly there is the endless supply of rental video's that are bought to entertain me while I am here. I get bored quickly. There is only some much to do when you dont know anyone but your Mom in a place.
(500) Days of summer and Paper Heart.
Restored my optimism for love again.
It also made me think up a dozen situations that could happen when going home, and seeing the boy. None of which will happen. Wouldn't it be nice if things just worked out the way they do in the movies.
Boy meets girl.
they get close
He isn't ready for relationship.
She leaves and he realizes he cant live with out her.
She comes home, he professes his love for her.
What a lovely story.......I know, I know that's not how it works. So I don't have my hopes up. It will go like this.
Boy meets girl
They get close.
He isn't ready for relationship.
She leaves.
He plays Rockband
She comes home.
They stay friends.
Reality........why is it never as romantic as the movies!?
Merry Christmas bloggers!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

in a smokey bar

She had seen him before in this smokey bar. He sat in the corner drinking whiskey, a story in his eyes.
She watched him for a few minutes, her friends laughed and drank around her.
She needed a reason to go over there, to find out what he was drowning in hard liquor.
She stood up ready to aproch him.
He stood up, walked on to the stage and pick up the guitar leaning on the side of the stage.
He settled on a stowl and started playing.
No one was really listening as he began to sing.
No one but her.
She listened to him, watching his fingers slide up and down the neck of the guitar.
She looked at his brown eyes, so full.
He finished and walked back to the corner where a freash glass of whiskey awaited him.
She stood up ready to approch him.
She walked over.
He looked up at her.
"Can I buy you a drink?"
"I don't know the last time someone bought me a drink, it didn't end well."
"Why not?"
"Why don't I buy you a drink, we can talk about it."
"I'm tired of talking about it."
 She had seen him before in this smokey bar.
"Last time you ordered beer. Why the sudden need for something stronger?"
"Broken heart."
"I'm sorry."
"I know you are."
"I just wanted to make sure you were ok."
"I will be, when I finish this drink."
She stood up ready to forget him.
She walked away.
She never saw him in that smokey bar again.
But he always held her heart.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's been a while

So Bloggers it's been a while.
Hi how ya doing?
Enjoying this Christmas season so far? I happen to not enjoy it. Mostly it's the cold. I have no clue why I live in Canada. I hate cold weather. And really there is no where you can go in Canada to escape the winter season. They are all cold east to west north to south.
There are a lot of reason I haven't written in a while. Mostly it's because I am drowning in final projects. The nice thing about my program is that there is no final exams. On the other hand there are ten final projects, that take seven times as much time to do then studying for an exam.
But I thought I would take a minute or two out of my crazy life to talk about my crazy life.

Item one. I got a tattoo. That's right. And it hurt. But after all the swearing and death threats to the guy who was permanently drawing on my arm, I decided it didn't hurt that bad. Dont get me wrong it hurt. But not as bad as I thought it would. There is about three people rightnow reading this on their screens going whatever you liar!
So I have one. It is Bob Dylan lyrics around a cherry blossom. If you want to know more about it, you can comment and I will tell details (meaning, location, whatever) but for the most part that's it. Also if you have befriended me on facebook you can see it there. And some lovely pictures taken while it was being done!

Item two. B-Ry. Welcome to my Blog B-Ry. He is the boy(man as he likes to be called) I have been talking about in previous posts. The one that I can't decide on.  B-Ry is the most confusing part of my life at the time. He is also a lot of fun (and cute). and since I dropped the tattoo bomb up there, I'll tell you he also is my first really legit kiss! I say this because arguably he is not, but there is no solid proof on that, so I go with first kiss. B-Ry and I are in relationship limbo at the time being. But against my will he happened to meet a few family members of mine. Laugh it up you, I had to emotionally pay for that one! He felt it would be a good idea for me to meet his family. I said no. I don't meet family, when I am not sure where I stand with the son. But lucky for me I was tricked into it. Then when I left I had a bit of a panic attack. I survived, thanks to encouraging words from J.....words like "do I need to take care of him?" Despite the confusion we have a lot of fun together. I am having fun, that's all that counts.

Item three. Dear Peter DeWolf. Today I was reading your blog (of course since I am your biggest fan on the west coast of Canada). WHAT? stop blogging??? NO!!!! I forbid it. even if all you do is write about what happened on TSN this weekend, don't stop blogging! I doubt you will ever read this....I shouldn't say that as last time I confessed my love to you thinking the same thing and saw that. Anyways moral of the story I never want to click on your blog as see the words "I'm done" ever again. Deal? Deal.

ok that's all I have time for, for now. I have a marketing design to finish and a final presentation to brush up for.
PS new house is great! guess what happened? I went to bed and slept the whole night! and not one child screamed  can above me the whole time! can you say heaven??

Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm back!

and  $150 poorer, but at least I have my lap top back! As it has been a week since I have seriously sat down and posted. Thanks all for the comments on the last post! I liked it. I want to write you a big long post but I can barely keep my eyes open. So here are some photos taken today with Bri and BeauG. Hopefully I can catch you up soon.................after I catch up on sleep!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

that girl you want to trust

That's me, yup. That girl, you know the one. The one who looks like a lot of fun, and then is.
The one who earns your trust, and then keeps it.
I'm that girl who values people.
That girl who you are just so comfortable with.
The one who knows all your secrets, and you know they will be safe.
I'm that girl you laugh with.
The one who lets you be a pervert, an asshole, a sweaty.
That girl who will go see action movies just because of the look you get on your face, even though I am dyeing to see someone kiss.
I'm the girl who listens to your stories, and the laughs like you are so clever.
The girl who actually thinks you are clever.
I am also the girl who needs a hug when things get hard.
The girls who needs a listening ear.
That girl that loves when you make her laugh.
I'm the one who goes out with the girls, and hopes you go out with the guys.
The one who sings when she is happy, and sighs when she is bored.
I am that girl that you always trust.
But remember I need that kind of a man.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

my interent is down

Mostly my Lap Top sucks.......I swear I will get a Mac one of these days and be done with this PC bull!
But for now I will let you all know I am alive.
Between work, school and homework I am surprised that I am still wake!
Oh sleep how I miss you so.....your wonderful and amazing and one of these days I will enjoy you to your fullest.
Interent should be up next week! look for a new post then.
Until then feel free to comment on old post!
I like comments.
And if you are a reader, but have not clicked follow or commented please do so!
Take a look at old posts, and please stop on by such blogs as Peter DeWolf, 4MonkeyMom, and Clever girl goes blog!
Talk to you in a bit!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Book Store Couple

"Why are we standing in this book store still?"
"Did you really just ask me that?"
"Yes! It's been a long day and all I want is to go home, turn on the TV and have you give me a foot message."
"Really? That’s it? You don't want to stand here and read my book with your chin on my shoulder?"
"I don't do that!"
"Yes you do. But its ok, I like it."
"You do?"
"I like most of the annoying things you do."
"What! If it is annoying then why would you let me to do it?"
"The same reason you let me wear sweet pants on Saturdays."
"I let you wear them because you would cry for the rest of the day if you couldn't."
"No you don't."
"I think I would know."
"Pick that book up...."
"I don't want to read, I want to go home."
"Ok here!"

 He opens it up and starts to read it. She looks around annoyed eventually she gives in and rests her chin on his shoulder and starts to read.

"That's why I let you where sweet pants?"
"That's also why you put up with me! Ok we can go."
"No. Let's stay."
"What? You just spent half an hour nagging me!?"
"I know, but I forgot how much you loved me."
"I do don't I?"
"Well that’s what I read over your shoulder."
"Good. I was worried you read the part about killing your fish."

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

what if I am sick of being in the friend zone?

True story. I'm too nice.
I decided I liked a guy. I decided to take charge and add him on FB (stop laughing it's how the kids today do it!)
He started to talk to me. It went well.
He sat with me in class, he looked over at me while I was paying attention, and watched me write.
I tried to be flirty. I tried to mystrious.
Then he needed me to be nice to him. So I was.
And I totally screwed up all chances with him. WHY AM I SO NICE!!!!!!
I placed my self ever so perfectly in the friend zone!
I am destined to be alone forever at this rate!

Monday, November 9, 2009

DeWolf rant

ok have I mentioned how much I love Peter DeWolf?
This is short, but I am very serious.
Go to his blog, read his letters to his future wife! and fall in love with him!!! NOW!!!
Becasue he is just so.............great!

Have a good day.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Another week

I meant to post several times this week. However, every time I picked up my laptop I forgot what I had to tell you all about!
So I will start from the begining and let my lovely week un fold.

Lauraj is getting married. I know right. Your jaw just hit the floor didn’t it? Well since her exodus from Wilbur she has cleaned up her life, met herself a nice man, and will be getting married in February. Here is a pic of them....and the ring.

Yup so I am the maid of honour. This is my second time having that title. I think it will be a bit better to be Lauraj's maid of honour then it was to be Liz’s. First off I am actually Lauraj's BFF. Second of all she lives SO far away; she can't really put anything on me. Mostly this whole engagement thing has brought us closer together again. Man it takes some drastic situations for me and my friends to stay close. First Stephy had to get preggers, now Lauraj had to get engaged! lol. 
I am taking my first trip to Toronto! I am overly excited........I maybe more excited to go to TO, then about Lauraj's wedding. As I have strictly always lived on the west of Canada, I have never seen what the east has to offer. I've heard it's great. Hopefully it does not disappoint! The second best thing about going East is that NicTO is East! I miss her SO much; I can't wait to have coffee with her. To talk about actual topics! To have an intelligent last! How I have longed to have one of our conversations!
I have been putting off school work. I planned to do it all on Remembrance day, since I had that day off school. Then I looked at my work schedule. WORKING. I always hate when I get to work and they book me on a holiday. Especially when that holiday falls in the days I am not available to work category. But they feel that I am able to work, since I have no school. Technically they are right! Physically I will not be attending school that day. But Mentally I was going to be up to my eye balls in homework! So today is the new allotted catch up day. Its noon and I am still on my it’s going really well! lol.
Friday night my new friend Beau wanted to hang out. Since my life is often lame and uneventful, I said yes. It was a fun night. But I learned a few things.
A few days ago I took some pictures downtown with Bri, JessMcMurry, and Beau.
I posted them on FB. However I did not think any one would be harmed by them. They were. Beau's GF didn't like them. As a very drunk Beau informed me, She wasn't happy he was hanging out with girls because she thought he wanted to sleep with us. He however does not. After his big long speel about how mad she was, and how much she did not like me or Bri, he told us the best news of all. She is coming to the college all next week! And we get to meet her! Doesn't that sound delightful!?
I saw paranormal activities last night.......if you planned on seeing it here's a heads up, I’m going to spoil it for you. 
It was lame. I was so excited to see the scariest movie of the year; I wanted to be so scared that I would not be able to sleep for a week! It did not live up to the hype.
First of it is shot "Blair witch" style, but it just looked so staged. My favourite part had to have been when he put a wigi board on the table and then just "forgot" to turn off the camera when him and his girlfriend left. Suddenly the wind starts to blow the plants around, even thought the windows and doors are close. And then it happened, the wigi board started moving by its self......... And then it started on fire! OMG no way!!!!
Then best part by far is when the demon grabs her foot and pulls her out of bed, it takes her a good 5minutes to start screaming after she smacks her head on the floor and get dragged out of her room by......nothing! Oh wait I mean the demon!
The ending was predictable, the first time she got out of bed and just stared at her BF for like 4 hours, I knew she would end up possessed. So when she did it again, and the walked out of the room I knew what was going to happen.
And as soon as I heard her scream and saw her boyfriend rush out of the room, with out the camera I knew his time was up. Turns out she was possessed by the demon and she killed him. The very end is the camera looking at nothing. And the suddenly something flies at the camera(his body) and she is standing there in front of it covered in blood. then she moves her neck weirdly and continues to snack on her boyfriend.
I laugh more then anything…………….disappointing.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Fan of Fridays

I love scary movies! I not really sure why, since I always end up scared out of my mind and awake all night. But in the quest to find a movie that is actually scary I am going to this movie........

Hopefully I will be a fan of it!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Post mortem evaluation

Real dedication is bloggin beyond the grave! In all seriousness I did have a horrid flu. And since I am kind of a baby when I am sick, or maybe because I was suffering from a fever I decided I was dying.
I'm healthy it reincarnation...................To my same life and body!
Now that I am healthy I can tell you all about my weekend, after I got over the flu.

I went to work. During a conversation with a co worker I mentioned I needed to take a picture of a person telling a story with the shot for a class. She happens to know someone who eats fire. Wow, not every day you meet some one who just knows a fire eater, but ok. So she said she would find out when he was doing it next and I could go take photos. I thought that would be great! A few hours later she sent me a message on FB. She said he offered to do a private show for me..........uhhhhhhhh........Now call me a sceptic but I'm not into free shows of any kind from strangers. Just saying. So I gratefully declined, and am still searching for the perfect story to capture.

I went to a Halloween party Saturday night. Bri was hosting it. Since she is only 17 clubbing is not something she does. So while the rest of our friends dressed up and headed to the dance floor, we headed to her house. For a good wholesome night of pumpkin carving, games, and scary movies. I make it sound lame, but I did actually have fun.
However Bri invited this girl she works with (well actually the girl invited herself). She was one of those socially awkward girls. The kind that stares just a little too long, and says strange things.
When it came time for the movie, I had high hopes. I love horror movies......blood guts and gore. I enjoy jumping half way out of my seat when the killer jumps out. This movie was kind of a disappointment. Trick or Treat had some interesting stories in it. However there were so many stories all in one movie it got confusing. And it was interesting but not scary......a downer on Halloween. However there was a part about a girl who I at first thought was a virgin. Then thought was a vampire, and turned out to be a werewolf that ripped her skin off very graphically and was replaced with sick wolf fur.

Sunday Bri and I went to the lake to see if we could get a great photo. Turns out people in Western Canada don't just chill out next to a lake in the early November months. Something about minus 20 winds. But I did get a few good ones, so I will share them with you! Enjoy!


P.S. this is your first look at Bri!


Friday, October 30, 2009

Fan of Fridays Halloween Edition

Ok so this fan of friday stars me! I am a fan of all the cool things I did to these pictures using Picnik! Enjoy and Happy Halloween!

Vampire Cathy..........

Zombie Besties.........

Werewolf Eyes.

Who needs to dress up on halloween when you have photo shop like this!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

cry baby blues

Today I mostly want to get a few frustrations out.

1. Dear Reitmans,
I told you I can only work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday for a reason. I have school until stupid hours ALL other days! So stop F-ing calling me every week (on the same day) and asking if I can work. Turns out I am busy......until the end of the year!
Some one who can think logically!

2. I once told you about my instructor Pete. Well even though Pete is a character he is a good teacher (the first time, he has an over tendency to repeat what he says, multiple times). However Z does not think so. He thinks Pete has a vendetta against him. That is why he keeps getting bad marks. Even though I must agree yes Pete does speak to Z like he is stupid, he doesn't hate on him. 
Dear Z,
Stop being such a huge cry baby! You are a 19 year old man, take matters into your own hands! Pete isn't giving you bad marks because he hates you (because if he was he would be out of a job). Just saying no one ever fixed things by being mad. Scheming however brings a different result.
Yours truly,
A very clever girl....

3. This whole H1N1 thing is a little out of control. I pay a lot of money to go to school, even if I have been in a tragic accident I can't afford to miss classes. So why do you think I am going to stay home, just because I have a cough. Well apparently the college thought of that, all students who cough in class will be sent to the health clinic for a mask...............really?
So today I walked past the health center and coughed, really really loud! Way to stick it to the man, right? lol thats just how I role. I may be into many out landish fashion trends, but H1N1 mask will never be in that list. However I did see a little Asian girl with one that matched her scarf! I still don't think that trend will catch on.

4. Maybe my landlords don't hate me. I was walking home from Wal-Mart last night, and got a wave. Also all the children have been permitted to talk to me. Weird, I wish they would make up their minds! Hate me or don't. I mean it makes me feel like a huge idiot after venting on my Mother about how mean they were being, and then turns out they aren't being mean? MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!!!

5. In case you didn't guess from #3 I am sick. I don't understand the whole getting sick thing. I was perfectly fine, and then all of a sudden sore throat! What happened!? Did my immune system decide to take a holiday?? If so, can I get a new one, one that is willing to work over time in the winter and holidays? Is it not bad enough that I have to deal with wet snow and cold? Why must you throw in a head that feels ready to burst and angry cats sliding down my throat!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tim Hortons is a place for love

ok it's not......I mean the more glamorous loves take place in places like starbucks, or little coffee shops downtown.
So Tim Horton’s is a place to discuss love.
I spent the afternoon with Bri yesterday. We of course made our way to Tim Horton’s after shooting some very horrible sequences for visual class. We ordered a drink and sat.
First topic of the chat........candidates for my love.
If you know me you know I don't date a lot. If you really know me you know that it’s not so much I don't date, it's more I am overly picky and clueless.
But regardless of the fact that I am content with my single status Bri insisted there must be some one I liked.
So I caved, and tried to think of someone cute.
3 boys came to mind....all in my program at school.
So I told her.
Hours past, and we sat talking about our loves, our parent’s loves, and our friends loves. 
After I got home, I watched a riveting hour of AFV and went to bed.
I got to class and started my work. Bri leaned over.
"Where's your boyfriend Cathy?"
I laughed and went back to editing.
"Oh there's your other boyfriend Cathy!"
So I have three boyfriends.
How talented am I. Saturday I was I am a polygamist.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Playlist.

Hears a little of what I am listen to these days!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fan of Fridays

This is Nadine.....she is a Canadian. She is funny and most importantly she is running for MuchMusics VJ search. She is in the Top 16....and is my favorite! She also has a youtube channel. So go subscribe (Hey Nadine) and watch some of her videos they are great! this is my fav!

they didn't know what love was

this is my first attempt at fiction. DeWolf insiperd? I think so. But I said I would post some I did! enjoy. 

It had been years since she had talked to him.
Mostly she was happy. But ever so often, his face would flash through her dreams. She would remember all the times.
The times when he was so mad, he would sit there and tell her how he really felt. The times when she would sleep out side waiting for him to come home, because she was worried he might not. The times that she was wasted and he took care of her. Never letting anyone treat her bad.
She woke up when his face flashed through her dreams again.
Laying there she tried to figure out why he was on her mind again. 
Falling back to sleep he was the last thing that crossed her mind.
The sun woke her up, it was seven.
Out the door.
As she walked on to the train platform, his face flashed through her mind again.
Distracted she picked a seat next to the window, looked up.
There he was.
Could this be it?
Could this be the chance for her to have the love affair she had always wanted with him?
The train pulled away, and suddenly she realized she may never see you again.
What now?
Did she want him? Did he want her? 
The train gets to her stop, she still is undecided. She walks past him, hoping he will make the move, and steps out of the train.

He had lived a lot of life since the last time he saw her. He had thought he was in love once, but she cheated. When he found out, he thought of her. Would she have done that to him? Why didn't he ever give her the chance? 
He brushed his teeth, and thought of her. The times they had had together. When she fell asleep out side, when he took off in anger. The time she sat with him while he packed his stuff, trying not to cry trying to be strong, even though he knew she wanted to. How he had wanted so badly to hold her forever the day he left.
He looked up and saw her face in the mirror.
Out the door.
As he walked on to the platform he thought he could smell her. He sat down in front of the door, and turned on his Ipod. Again her smell. The train was almost at his stop, he looked up just as the doors closed.
He saw her.
Without thinking he went for the door. This was the chance he had waited for.
It was to late the trained pulled away; he slammed his fist against the window.

She heard a bang, and looked back. He was there looking into her eyes, speeding away. She ran towards the train. It was too late he was gone.
She got ready for bed. Weeks had passed since she saw him on the train, everyday she looked for him. Her phone rang.
"Do you have any idea how hard you are to find?"

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What did she say?

Well just to clarify I am famous!
Just kidding I'm not but I feel like it.
Why you ask?
Because a web site found my blog, and asked me to do an interview for them about writing.
They think I am a legit writer! No jokes its great......and I totally played it up. 
Actually I am a legit writer, did you know I write fiction? 
Well since I have never post a fiction story that would be a big fat NO.
So I am going to post one!
It may take a while I need to sit down and write (finish writing) one. But from now on I will be posting fiction.
I know you are all dancing with joy to read my
I still will post like this.....because really I am not that brilliant! I don’t think I have time to write a story daily, but weekly is my new goal. Oh and if you would like to read my ya go (ps dont judge my spelling I couldnt figure out how to edit it after I wrote it!)! When I am I will post the link!
It feels good to have my writing acknowledged! It's been almost three years since I started this blog. And finally I have other people than T interested in it (no disrespect T you’re my #1 fan!).
So I guess I'm a writer.
Nice to meet you, I'm Cathy and I'm a writer aspiring to be a journalist!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

the food bandit

Well I got a new house! I move Dec first. The Land Lords did not take it well. They have taken to ignoring us, and when their kids try to talk to us, they are hushed and sent inside. The curtains are drawn, the doors are locked and the family is on the DL.
I'm not entirely sure why they are so mad?
Did I do some thing?
I thought that I just gave them over a months notice. I mean if they didn’t see it coming they must be dense. I told them I was looking for another house (all of us did).

Any ways I can't do anything about their anger........unless I had super powers. But I would have a long list of much cooler things to do with super powers.

Have you heard about the food bandit?
The illusive bandit knows just what is mine.....and only eats my food. After point blank being asked Kam said no she had not eaten my food. So I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Yesterday an entire container of KD went missing out of the fridge. LeahN Eron and I were all gone Kam was home....................Must be a bandit. That’s the only explanation.

I hooked up on twitter today. Mostly I wanted to support this super cute girl who wants to be the next VJ on Much Music. So I figured I would twitter for a good cause! I got all set up and made a life changing decision. Twitter is where I where promote myself! See I am a hardcore Face booker...............but I don't want my actual friends to read my blog! So I have never done a lot of blog promo there.....but not one person I know is on twitter! Do you know what that means? Cathy Coppin uncensored!! woot woot!! So if you want to read a tweet or two, check out my twitter page......I'm going to post a link on the side bar....I hope!

Night on the town

It was a long day of work. We were all not looking our best......but we did it anyways.
A room mates photo shoot.